Rare disease

Assessing pathogenicity of in-frame CACNA1F indel variants using structural modelling

Personalised psychotropic prescribing in adults with intellectual disabilities
Rare disease

100,000K Genomes Pilot on Rare-Disease Diagnosis in Health Care — Preliminary Report
Rare disease

Autosomal recessive SLC30A9 variants in a Proband with a Cerebro-Renal Syndrome
Rare disease

Early prenatal presentation of the cartilage-hair hypoplasia/anauxetic dysplasia spectrum of disorders mimicking recurrent thanatophoric dysplasia
Rare disease

Improving the clinical interpretation of missense variants in X linked genes using structural analysis - Journal of Medical Genetics Journal of Medical Genetics
Rare disease

A report on the impact of rapid prenatal exome sequencing on the clinical management of 52 ongoing pregnancies; a retrospective review
Rare disease

Case report: targeted whole exome sequencing enables the first prenatal diagnosis of the lethal skeletal dysplasia Osteocraniostenosis
Rare disease

Diagnosis of fetal abnormalities using exome sequencing: translating research into practice
Rare disease